Is This the Future of Apartment Living?

Melbourne’s city skyline seems to be forever changing, and for those in the suburbs, the biggest blocks are being earmarked by developers. Apartment living in Melbourne is increasingly becoming the norm. Whilst some of you might shudder at the thought of giving up your detached dwellings and all that comes with it – with the population of Melbourne and Sydney each expected to exceed 8.5 million by 2065, we are going to see a lot more of it. 

For many moving into an apartment is synonymous with giving up space. If you’ve downsized you know that ‘how did I accumulate so much stuff?!’ moment when trying to pack everything you own into boxes. But you’ll know if you’ve been there, that once it is over, it’s truly liberating. So is apartment living so bad?


Image result for tiny apartment

Tiny homes are on the rise.

The downside

A community survey of apartment dwellers cited a lack of storage, followed by noise, inability to have pets, and a lack of community as some of the downsides to apartment living. Within the data, it was also apparent that different life stages have different priorities  younger people were more likely to want a pet, and the over 55’s were really looking for a strong sense of community. So how can developers make apartment living more appealing?  

Is this the upside?

In many apartment buildings the gym, pool, spa and sauna are common place, however, newer apartment complexes have included libraries, conference rooms, cinemas and cafes – and it seems to be getting only more extravagent. However, is extravagent amenities really what we need? There is no doubt that developers have a target market in mind when planning a build, however, with the number of apartments growing, could specialty facilities be the answer? If developers can truly provide amenities that align to lifestyles – this could create demand and more harmonious living. We have already seen a rise in developments labelled as ‘pet-friendly’, catering to those who place their furry friends high up on their priority list but what about everyone else out there?


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Can apartments deliver on the promise of living the high life?

What can the future hold…

There are so many ways that developments can cater to the lives of people today in more genuine ways.  Why not include a flexible working space, a sound-proof room for musicians or a workshop/art room that caters to DIYers and creatives –  even if it’s the inclusion of a multipurpose room that can be booked for functions? The potential is endless…

Now it’s not to say that an apartment complex should all of our needs, it’s great to get out into the world – it’s simply that there is no one-size fits all approach to living. As we give up space and consequently, elements of our lifestyle, it should be because the property meets our needs in better ways. 

Tell us, what would you love to see available in a complex? 


Thinking to the future
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Is This the Future of Apartment Living?