What Should You Expect From A Typical Sales Campaign?

What Should You Expect From A Typical Sales Campaign? 

Spring is in the air and vendors are applying the finishing touches to their properties for the upcoming peak sales period. So what should you expect from a typical sales campaign?  Truthfully, every sales campaign is different – not necessarily due to differences between properties, but more so the decisions that are made along the way. 

Realistically, there are a number of variables in selling a property and some of them may come as a surprise like a planning application from a neighbour or a rainy auction day – and your agent will know how to manage these. However, as a vendor, there are a few things you can control to set yourself up for a successful campaign.


It is no secret that a lot of work goes into selling a property, both physical and emotional labor – and often it’s vendors who wear it the most. An experienced agent will guide you from the first meeting and essentially assist you to making objective decisions that will get you the best end result – minimizing any stressors along the way. 


No matter the property, your agent will be able to provide a market assessment that sets clear expectations from the outset. When selecting your agent, it might seem logical to go with the agent who gives you the highest valuation, however, it is critical to analyse how they intend to attract buyers who will pay that price.


A great agent will identify the persona of the buyer of your property at the beginning of the campaign and direct marketing, resources and time into attracting that particular buyer. 

A marketing package can vary somewhat between agents, however, most of the time you get what you pay for. A basic marketing package generally involves photos, floorplans, online listings on multiple sites, boards, brochures, video; each of these items act as a separate touchpoint for a prospective buyer – each with a distinct purpose. If you’re unsure of the purpose of something on a marketing plan – ask the agent to chat you through it. 


Online listings on websites like domain.com.au and realestate.com.au are essential in today’s market and they make up the bulk of the cost. It might seem logical to try and save on these listings – however downgrading to a smaller ad size means that your property may not appear until the 3rd or 4th page of listings or be overlooked due to it’s small size. Similarly, photography can also make or break a listing. If you’ve been in the market to rent or buy, you’ve probably come across a listing with some DIY or just bad photography and it’s really jarring. When it comes to photography – leave it to the professionals. 


Another key contribution of the vendor to the sales campaign is who you choose as legal representation and the contract that comes with it. Having a clear and reasonable contract of sale can be the way to a buyer’s heart whilst contracts with a large number of additional conditions or confusing clauses can result in buyers simply walking away. Now that’s not to say that you shouldn’t be detailed with your expectations – it’s about enlisting an experienced and communicative conveyancer or lawyer who is an asset to your sales campaign. 

To find out more about the sales process, speak to an agent today.


What Should You Expect From A Typical Sales Campaign?
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What Should You Expect From A Typical Sales Campaign?